Saturday 9 January 2010

Flakk Waggonz, Gun Waggonz and Super Waggonz Galore!

Okay I know the date at the top of this post says 9th January 2010; however it's been difficult to get outside (due to the snow) so it's taken me a while to get some photos ... until now. However first we must be transported back in time (Dr Who style)...

Wednesday 6th January 2010

After the Skorchas it was the turn of the Gun Waggonz to be painted. Not only did I have another three Flakk Waggonz, six Gun Waggonz and three Gun Waggonz with Soopa-Gunz to paint, I also had to repaint the original six Flakk Waggonz and three Gun Waggonz with Supa-Zaaps (twenty-one vehicles in total).

If you remember, oh about three months ago, I put a post up with the above mentioned six Flakk Waggonz and three Gun Waggonz with Supa-Zaaps completely painted. Ethics (Commander Alan to others) commented that "... to be truly Orky, there should be some panels painted in a different colour to yellow...".

I agreed and, as shown in the many posts after, I started painting my Ork vehicles with brown panels here, there and everywhere. So when I returned to my Waggonz I had to paint some panels brown.

Anyway below is the end result of all my Waggonz:

This gives me enough waggonz for 2 Big Blitz Bridages with a couple of Flakk Waggonz, one Gun Waggon with a Supa-zaap and a Gun Waggon with a Soopa-Gun left over.

So what do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I feel so proud to have played some small part in the developing WAAAAAGHness of it all! ;-)

    Oh, and they make a cracking unit
