Saturday 9 January 2010

Orks are great at recycling!

Okay I know the date at the top of this post says 9th January 2010; however it's been difficult to get outside (due to the snow) so it's taken me a while to get some photos ... until now. However first we must be transported back in time (Dr Who style)...

Thursday 7th January 2010

Do you know what, I think Games Workshop have got Orks all wrong. Instead of trying to consume worlds and killing everything on a planet ... they are trying their best to save planets. I mean, look at their recycling policies; on a Ork planet nothing goes to waste. If a vehicle has lost it's door another is bolted on (not brillantly I agree - they ain't good at craftsmanship) no matter what the colour.

And recycling was defiantly on my mind when I built the below Soopa-Gun. I needed another Big Gun to be a Soopa-Gun; I'm quite tight and so I didn't want to pay £12.00 for one (you have to buy it in a pack with a Supa-Zaap ... which I didn't need). Therefore, like a good Ork, I rummaged through my 'bitz box' and found the top of a old EPIC 40K Lift Droppa ... umm, that'll do.

As you can see I've painted the edges a Purple / Lilac colour (just like on my supa-gunz on my Gun Waggonz) so my opponent can easily see it's a 'supa gun' of some sort. I removed the middle spike to make it look like a Soopa-Gun, and not a Super-Zaap!

You see ... Orks saving the planet; no matter which planet their on!

So what do you think?

1 comment:

  1. So you're saying Orks are 'green'? A shocking revelation one might say ;-)
