Thursday 31 December 2009

Suppppeeeerrr -zap!

Well It's that time of year again when it gets dark at 3:30pm, unwanted visitors called 'family' turn up everyday, uninvited, and you end up spending everyday eating lots of chocolate and watching television you wouldn't normally watch ... yep it's Christmas and whilst I've done a fair bit of painting I haven't managed to take any piccies and therefore haven't done any updates over this last week.

Until now!

But first lets go back a few days...

27th December

After seeing the family on Boxing Day I decided that I'd better crack on with my Ork painting (also tomorrow and the day after are 'gaming days' for me). I decided to paint a few little bits and I went for my final supa-zaap (making sure it looked like my other one I painted a few weeks ago) and 3 objectives.

Now, considering I spent around 30 mins on my objectives I was well happy with them. Firstly I painted the whole thing in Charadon Granite; then I washed the whole thing using Badab Black. After leaving it to dry I then drybrushed the whole objective using Charadon Granite and then again but adding a little Skull White . I then highlighted the stone around the base using Adeptus Battlegrey, and then again but with a little Skull White mixed in. Finally I painted the missiles Mechrite Red, highlighted with Blood Red ... simples!

Also my Imperial Armoured Division is moving on with the reinforcements getting based; so now the whole army is at the same stage ... next we shall add sand to the bases!

Toodle Pip!

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