Thursday 31 December 2009

Gargant Tastic!

Well It's that time of year again when it gets dark at 3:30pm, unwanted visitors called 'family' turn up everyday, uninvited, and you end up spending everyday eating lots of chocolate and watching television you wouldn't normally watch ... yep it's Christmas and whilst I've done a fair bit of painting I haven't managed to take any piccies and therefore haven't done any updates over this last week.

Until now!
But first lets go back a week...

24th December

My Gargant is finished and doesn't he look lovely. When I first started using him on the battlefield I thought he was, to put it frankly, rubbish. However, after a lot of practice, I'm coming around to the fact that he's not bad ... he's not brilliant but as 'my break their spirit' goal he's pretty difficult to kill and I don't think he's been killed yet (shouldn't of said that!)

With him being armed with 3 Soopa-guns he has BP6 macro-weapon goodness which isn't bad if he doesn't double, however the best thing is he automatically puts to 2 Blast Markers on any opponent before he shoots, making it easier to break them ... oh and the weapons have a 60cm range!

Also I'm been working on my Imperial Guard because ... reinforcements have arrived! Oh yes 2 packs of Forge World Thunderbolt Fighters, Leman Russ Conquerors and 1 pack of Forge World Shadowswords and Hydra's arrived a couple of days ago and I've been busy getting them stuck together.

Ho! Ho! Ho!


  1. Have you mounted those Thunderbolts as Dive Bombers? Great idea!

  2. No I haven't (it's the only way they would sit on the flying stands without glue)however that has given me an idea.

    I might drill into the model so they do look like they are dive bombing.

    Nice idea!
