Sunday 22 November 2009

Those magnificent orks in their flying machines

And another formation completed, 200pts worth of Fighta Bommerz done. I've added different coloured plates to the planes to make it look like the Orks have had to do a few quick repairs; I think it looks cool.

What is weird is all the 200pt formations I'm painting up at the moment; 2x 200pt blitz brigades done, next are 2x 200pt landas (which I will start today) and then I've got 2x 200pt kult of speed formations to paint ... will it ever end?

Also carrying on from last week's post I've built my Imperial Guard army and next is to base the whole lot (which will take a little time). I hope to have the whole army milliputted today if I have time.

Better get on with it then!

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