Sunday 18 October 2009

It's been a while

Well nearly two months since my last post, however all can be explained. I've been on holiday for nearly a month backpacking around Europe (which was amazing) and therefore thats why there hasn't been an update for a while, however as soon as I got back home, I got straight back on with the job of completing my EPIC Ork army...

So that's 6 Flakk Waggonz done and 3 Battle Waggonz with Supa-Zaaps completed. This group of tanks gives me lots, and lots, of options; I can either:
  • Have two units of 4 tanks (3x Flakk and 1x Supa-Zaap) making them very handy to flakk rush or Titan Killer shoot; they are very quick but they are very fragile and difficult to rally if broken.

  • Have one unit of 8 tanks (6x Flakk and 2x Supa-Zaap) having the same benefits as above but making them abit less fragile. However it does mean I loose an activation and this activation becomes more expensive.

  • Break the unit into seperate units and put parts in other formations (i.e. add a Flakk Waggon to a Ork Warband). This allows the ork Warbands to have AA cover (very handy against air assaults) but it doesn't allow me to use the Supa-Zaaps very often.

  • I can change the Supa-zaaps to normal Battle Waggons and have a formation of 3x battle waggons and 1x Flakk wagon (and put the other flakk waggons in my warband formations).

So yeah, loads of options and these are just going to get greater and greater with the next formation I'm painting up at the moment ... 8x Deth Koptaz.

Until next time!

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