Saturday 24 October 2009

2 updates in 2 weeks

Well you don't hear from me in 2 months, and then 2 updates in two weeks!

Since I've been back from travelling I've been cracking on with the Orks and Ive now finished another small formation ... the Deth Koptaz

This is an important formation for my, mostly infantry, army as it adds speed which is vital (as I've been finding out in my practice games). Actually I've decided that speed is so essential I've decided to purchase a new formation for my orks even before all my other formations have been painted. I've decided to add a small Kult of speed formation, 8x Skorchas. Skorchas are great as they have a 35cm move and have an AP 4+, ignore cover, weapon (plus they have a 4+ ignore cover firefight value). The reason I didn't purchase this unit before was that GW, in there usefulness, pack skorchas with buggies (you get 1x Skorcha and 7x buggies for £12). Buggies aren't as good as Skorchas, so this would of meant it would of cost me £96 to get a formation of 8x Skorchas ... a 200pt formation!

This is where that magical place called 'EBay' stepped in; I managed to purchase 4x skorchas for £8 ... bargain. Also a friend of mine has 5x of the old burna models which he has kindly sold to me. I'm looking forward to adding these figures to my army as they will be the only old models in it; I don't think they will look out of place ... I actually think they will add some character to the army.

Anyway as we are talking about 'the army'; below is my revised 3,000pt Ork army list...

Gargant (2x soopa guns, 1x supa-zaap) 650pts
Big Warband - 2x extra boys and grots, 1x flakk waggon, 435pts (forward garrisoning warband)
Big Warband - 2x extra boys and grots, 1x Flakk Waggon 435pts (forward garrisoning warband)
Warband - 2x extra boyz and grots 250pts (Landa unit)
Blood Axe warhorde - 6x Kommandoz, plus 3x extra kommandoz 225pts
Blitz Brigade - 3x Flakk Waggonz, 1x Battle Waggon (upgrade to Supa-zapp) 200pts
Kult of Speed – 8 Skorchas 200pts
Big Blitz Brigade – 8 Deth Koptaz 250pts
Landa - 200pts
Fighta Bommerz - 150pts

Total 2995points
Total Activations 10

As you can see there is a mixture of fast (Kult of Speed and the Big Blitz Brigade), slow but strong (Gargant, Big Warband and the other Big Warband), cheap and small (Blitz Brigade, Warband and the Bloodaxe Warhorde) and flying (Landa and the Fighta Bommerz) formations giving the army a balance and options.

Actually to completely paint this army all I have left is the Gargant, 3 Fighta Bommerz, Landa and the Kult of Speed ... but first, the Big Guns mob.


P.S. Looking back at the Supa-Zaaps and Flakk Waggonz last week, I've decided they don't look 'Orky' enough ... there are no repairs, different coloured tiles, or any dirt. Therefore I have decided I shall quickly revisit these once the whole army is painted and add some different coloured panels ... There is still too much to do at the moment to worry about all ready painted formations.

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