Monday 31 August 2009

A sigh of relief

Yes indeedly a sigh of relief!

I have finished all 12 kommando stands for my Ork Army this weekend.

This is the last of the EPIC Ork Infantry ... huzzah! The Kommandoz are very different to most of the army; instead of the usual yellow these boyz are all dressed in black. These are, after all, kommandoz and I feel that they would be dressed in dark colours making it easier for them to carry out there Ork Kommando raids ... in yellow it would be a tad difficult to get the element of surprise.

So yes all my Ork infantry is complete:

52x Stands of Orks
24x Stands of Grots
14x Stands of Nobz
12x Stands of Kommandos
12x Stands of Stormboyz.
This totals 114 stands; therefore 570 individual infantry men ... err ork. All this results in a maximum of 2,100pts ... not bad!

Don't they look lovely?
Toodle Pip ... until the next update!

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