Thursday 8 March 2012

Aeronautical Imperialis Scenario: Escort


Attacker: Spies within the enemies high command, have revealed that the commander in charge of all ‘air offensive operations’ will be travelling, via convoy, between two cities. The vehicle, in which the general will be in, is unknown; therefore it is your job to destroy the entire convoy.


Attacker: May choose up to 150 points of fighters and bombers.

Defender: May choose up to 150 points of fighters and ground defence weapons. If your race hasn’t any ground defence weapons, within its army list, than none can be purchased.


The board is set-up as shown on the left. Any terrain placed, and its height, has to be agreed by both players (though a terrain level of zero, for all terrain, is recommended as it may otherwise prove difficult for the attacker).

The defender may place any ground defence weapons in either city A, city B or with the convoy (see rules for convoy below). Any defence weapon placed in a city, cannot be moved during the game.

The defender splits his fighter-aircraft into as many groups as he wishes (please see the reserves special rule below). The defender then places his convoy on either of the two roads marked in ‘yellow’.

The attacker then places all of his aircraft, touching the board edge, within the ‘blue’ area as marked on the map. The game is played as normal; rolling for initative to see who goes first etc.

Special rules

Convoy: The convoy is made up of seven ‘race specific’ vehicles (for example falcons for Eldar, Chimeras for the Imperial Guard etc). For the purpose of this scenario all vehicles, no matter the race, move at 8” per turn on the road, and 4” off it. When shooting at the convoy, enemy planes must target the closest vehicle; vehicles have two hit points each, and are hit using the ‘air to ground’ rules within the rulebook (pg. 14). Three vehicles maybe upgraded to carry Anti-air weapons; any vehicle, which is upgraded, cannot carry the general (there isn’t enough room for the ammunition and his staff). Any vehicle, which is destroyed, is left on the board and acts as a barrier, which other convoy tanks cannot cross (they must therefore go around). The convoy moves as one entity, moving after orders have been given but before the initiative has been rolled for.

Escorting the General: Each vehicle within the convoy, capable of carrying the general, must be given a number at the start of the game. The defender secretly writes down a number to indicate which vehicle the general is being transported in.

Reserves: The roll for reserves is done at the beginning of every turn, starting with turn two (this roll is done before any orders are given). The defender rolls for each of his ‘groups’ of fighters and consults the table below:

The defender places his planes along the ‘brown’ edge of the table – as shown on the map – to indicate where his planes will be entering (please note that the ‘group’ of planes do not necessarily have to deployed within the same area). The defender then sets the altitude, and speed, in which the plane will be entering that turn.

Victory conditions

The game lasts for twelve turns. Planes may only disengage, from the table, if it is the twelfth turn therefore ignore the rule, within the rulebook, that states for planes to disengage if over half their fellow comrades have been blown up. It will be a total victory:

·          For the Defender: If the general’s vehicle makes it off either road, indicated by a purple arrow.
·          For the Attacker: The general’s vehicle is destroyed.

Other than the above, please consult the ‘victory points table’, within the rulebook (Pg. 16). Below is a list of other victory points which need to be added.

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