Saturday 24 December 2011

An EPIC update

From 10am this morning I have been updating my blog for those regular readers (namely an apple, a tambourine and a penguin called Colin ... oh and Commander Alan) so that it is now up-to-date with what has been going on in the last quarter of this year.

Yes indeedly; since the end of September things have turned very 'EPICY' indeed. To cut a long story short I have sold my Chaos, Tyranid and Ulani armies (plus lots of bits and bobs) to acquire two beautifully painted armies (an Eldar and an Imperial Guard army) plus to update my Orks and Imperial Fists. All details can be found on a plethora of posts within this blog; however, to put them into some kind of order, I have generated  the below list:

Space Marines


Imperial Guard


And that's it ... no really that is it for me and EPIC. I have four fantastic armies and there are other game systems that need my paint brush. 

However ... I have been reading the Feral EPIC Ork army list and I would only need to paint: 

  • 4x Orkesaurus, 
  • 4x Squig catapults, 
  • 1x Wyrdboy,
  • and a few Boarboyz,
for a 3,000pt army ... tempted.

As for what's next? Not sure on that one; it will either be Greeks (as I've purchased some more figures), High elves (a sort of reduction programme), the EPIC Feral Orks or Bloodbowl. WFB has fallen from grace with me (the game is rubbish) and so Bloodbowl has taken it's place as my '2nd game system'. As I only have two teams I want to get a couple more and play in a few leagues.

So many projects, so little time.

Toodle Pip!

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