Saturday 24 December 2011

A brand New Eldar army

The run up to Christmas has been ... err EPIC, in so many ways. I've been buying and selling, painting and stripping, basing and re-basing. Eventually I find myself with four large armies. Two are old ones (my Space Marines and Orks) that have been re-vamped and modernised, whereas two are completely new.

I would be lying if I said that the below army was painted by myself. Most of the army was painted by a guy, from my local wargaming club, called 'Adi'; the Warlock Titan was purchased painted, off EBay, and the three grey objectives were painted by yours truly (quite a while ago I may add; I painted up some new objectives for my Marine army, and transferred these from that force). So without further 'a do', below you will see the latest edition to my EPIC collection: 

Warlock Titan – Power Fist, Psychic Lance 850pts

Revenant Titan – 2 Revenant Titans 650pts

Guardian Warhost 150pts
Wraithlord upgrade 175pts
Wraithguard upgrade 150pts
Total 475pts

Aspect Warrior Warhost 300pts
8x Dark Reapers 0pts
Autarch 75pts
Total 375pts


Guardian Warhost 150pts
Wave Serpent upgrade 200pts
Total 350pts


Guardian Warhost 150pts
Wave Serpent upgrade 200pts
Total 350pts


Aspect Warhost 300pts
8x Swooping Hawks 0pts
1 Exarch 25pts
Total 325pts


Aspect Warhost 300pts
8x Warp Spiders 0pts
1 Exarch 25pts
Total 325pts


Aspect Warhost 300pts
8x Shinning Spears 0pts
1 Exarch 25pts
Total 325pts


Aspect Warhost 300pts
3x Howling Banshees 0pts
3x Striking Scorpions 0pts
2x Dire Avengers 0pts
Total 300pts


Night Wing Formation 300pts


Engine of Vaul – Void Spinner 250pts
Spirit Stones 25pts
Total 275pts

Engine of Vaul – Void Spinner 250pts
Spirit Stones 25pts


Engine of Vaul – Storm Serpent 250pts
Spirit Stones 25pts


Engine of Vaul – Storm Serpent 250pts
Spirit Stones 25pts


Engine of Vaul – Scorpion 250pts
Spirit Stones 25pts


Engine of Vaul – Cobra 250pts
Spirit Stones 25pts


Falcon Troupe 250pts
2x Firestorms 0pts
Spirit Stones 25pts
Total 275pts


Falcon Troupe 250pts
2x Firestorms 0pts
Spirit Stones 25pts
Total 275pts


Falcon Troupe 250pts
2x Firestorms 0pts
Spirit Stones 25pts
Total 275pts


Fire Prism Troupe 250pts
Spirit Stones 25pts
Total 275pts


Windrider Troupe 200pts
6x Jet Bike Stands 0pts
Spirit Stones 25pts
Total 225pts


Windrider Troupe 200pts
6x Jet Bike Stands 0pts
Spirit Stones 25pts
Total 225pts

Guardian Warhost 150pts
Support Weapon Platform upgrade 50pts
Total 200pts


Night Spinner Troupe 175pts
Spirit Stones 25pts
Total 200pts


Vampire Raider 200pts


Vampire Raider 200pts


Ranger Troupe 100pts
4x Stands Of Rangers 0pts
Total 100pts


Ranger Troupe 100pts
4x Stands Of Rangers 0pts
Total 100pts


Wraithgate 50pts

Avatar 0pts




Additional Guardian support weapons 

Total 8875pts
Activations 30

So that is it. Large in points, however not many figures.

Toodle Pip!

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