Saturday 24 December 2011

132nd Mechanised Infantry Divison

The run up to Christmas has been ... err EPIC, in so many ways. I've been buying and selling, painting and stripping, basing and re-basing. Eventually I find myself with four large armies. Two are old ones (my Space Marines and Orks) that have been re-vamped and modernised, whereas two are completely new.

I've always wanted an mechanised Imperial Guard army; the sight of all that infantry, all those transport vehicles and all those tanks makes the Imperial Guard look fantastic upon the battlefield. However, it's all that infantry, all those transport vehicles and all those tanks which has put me off painting the army myself. Last September, I found out that my luck was in: a club mate was selling his huge Imperial Guard army. 

Fantastically painted by a guy called 'Pete', I snapped the army up before anyone else. The army was five infantry stands short of three full infantry blocks; it also needed some objectives. I set to and in no time at all an 8,000 point monster, of an Imperial Guard army, resurfaced ready to take to the battlefield. You can see what's in the army below:

Steel Legion Tank Company 650pts
Tank Squadron – (3 Leman Russ Battle Tanks) 200pts
Hydra 50pts
Hellhound Squadron 150pts
Total 1,050pts


Steel Legion Artillery Company – (9 Basilisks) 650pts
Tank Squadron – (3 Leman Russ Demolisher Tanks) 200pts
Snipers 50pts
Ogryns 50pts
Total 950pts


Steel Legion Super-Heavy Tank Company – (3 Baneblades) 500pts
Tank Squadron – (3 Leman Russ Demolisher Tanks) 200pts
Hydra 50pts
Ogryns 50pts   
Total 800pts


Regimental HQ 500pts
Fire support – (+2 Chimera transport) 150pts
Griffon Battery 100pts
Hydra 50pts
Total 800pts


Steel Legion Mechanised Infantry company 400pts
Fire support – (+2 Chimera transport) 150pts
Griffon Battery 100pts
Hellhound Squadron 150pts
Total 800pts


Steel Legion Super-Heavy Tank Company – (3 Shadowswords) 500pts
Snipers 50pts
Total 550pts


Steel Legion Infantry Company 250pts
Snipers 50pts
Ogryns 50pts
Hydra 50pts
Total 400pts


Vulture Squadron 300pts


Artillery Battery – Bombards 250pts


Artillery Battery – Bombards 250pts


Marauder Bomber Formation 250pts


 Marauder Bomber Formation 250pts


Deathstrike Missiles 200pts


Flak Battery 150pts


Rough Rider Platoon 150pts


Rough Rider Platoon 150pts


Thunderbolt Formation 150pts


Thunderbolt Formation 150pts


Thunderbolt Formation 150pts


Sentinel Squadron 100pts


Sentinel Squadron 100pts


Sentinel Squadron 100pts



Spare Valkyries

Total 8050pts
Activations 22

So there you are; a fully mechanised, Imperial Guard, infantry company ready for battle!

Toodle Pip!

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