Saturday 8 July 2023

chim chimney, chim chimney, chim chim cher-ee


As I draw closer to the end of my Death Guard army, the models I paint become more unique and, more useless...

Well actually no, not this time. Sure in 8th and 9th, the Miasmic Malignifer was a bit of a joke. In 10th however, I can actually see me taking one or, dare I say it, even two.

The Malignifer's weapons aren't anything to write home about (2D6 6" range auto Str 3 hits, 1D and 0 AP); it's in it's abilities where it's power lies. -1 to hit any Nurgle until within 6" of this AND cover to any model not fully visible gives your predators and Plague Burst Crawlers something to protect them. At 135 points it's a little steep however, I think worth it.

Painting wise, I wasn't so lucky. Believe it or not, but both the tower and the spare bit were painted with the same colours. The only difference is that the Seraphim Sepia used on the small boiler was towards the end of the bottle therefore, the pigment must have been stronger. As you can imagine; it's very annoying due to the amount of time taken (photos don't really do the models justice).

Will I repaint the boiler? Not sure. I'll put them on the field of battle a few times first and decide after. It's a lot of time for something, though I think it's better in 10th than 9th or 8th ... I won't be fielding too often.

Oh a bit of trivial for you ... these models came with modelled bases. These are therefore the first bases I have painted for my Death Guard army. I still bought clear bases so I can chop and change as I feel like it.

Next up I have some AT weapons to do and then it's the final push for my Death Guard army; 3 Standard bearer characters, a lord in marine armour, 1 possessed (I know we can't take them anymore but, I had already painted 9) and of course ... Mortarion.


1 comment:

  1. I'll have to get one. But we are playing 1000 points now or they are because I never seem to get in a game, but I picked out a new list and I want to build a fire base of a predator and a PBC, maybe this is the trifecta.
