Sunday 12 March 2023

Chaos Spawn

Chaos Spawn; in my opinion are, undoubtedly, one of the most underrated and forgotten units within the Death Guard army. At 21 points each for 4 wounds, toughness 5, 7" move and a 5+ save, these boys are such a great formation to screen out your back line from deep strikers, hold objectives by hiding or, spread diseases by running forward. They can fulfil so many rolls.

Or you can put 5 into a single unit for 105pts. Play the strategm on them which gives them disgustingly resilience (-1 damage) and you have a 10D3 Str 5 -2AP damage 2 WS 4+ unit which cannot be ignored ... for 105pts!

So I know what your thinking...

Why on earth then has it taken you so long to paint a single spawn, let alone 15!

Well here is an extract from the 40k Wiki pages: 

"...Chaos Spawn is a mindless mutant creature who once belonged to one of the intelligent races of the galaxy and who has become so mutated through their servitude to Chaos that they devolved into a twisted and insane abomination.

Those seeking immortality and power through the ultimate attainment of daemonhood in service to the Runious Powers face the constant possibility of being reduced to Chaos Spawn, either by accumulating too many mutations or being cast aside by their Chaos patrons as unworthy of further advancement because of their consistent failure to serve the will of the Chaos Gods.

More simply, they may lack the inherent qualities required for successful leadership of other Chaos servants and thus be of no further use to their patrons.

Chaos warband members who are transformed into Chaos Spawn will either be abandoned by their former comrades or kept as pets or as cannon fodder, to be herded into battle along with the rest of the Lost and the Damned

Although physically powerful and extremely resilient, Chaos Spawn are insane, mewling creatures with no mental powers or self-awareness. Their former intelligence has been sacrificed to their failed ambition. Many a Chaos Champion of great promise has ended up as a seething mound of bone and blubber, monstrous and screaming with lunatic rage..."

Can you see my point? For those of you who have followed the building of my Chaos Death Guard army over the years, you'll notice that my painting style is very tidy and quiet logical ... I don't do mess and I don't do filth. Yet, to do these Chaos Spawn any justice I felt as though I had to let go of any logic and tidiness in my attempt to build and paint them. I therefore built them very quickly indeed without giving much thought to 'which part goes were' (afterall; they are insane mewling creatures). As for painting, I decided to paint them as different to each other as possible by splitting them into four different colours; green skin, blue skin, purple skin and black skin. The weapons were all painted with little thought to the colours used.

Have I achieved insanity ... only you can answer that. Some of the spawn I am very happy with; others are just 'okay'. I also bought my first non-GW models and acquired 3 plagued toads for £18. These looks pretty cool and, when allowed, I will use these in my army as I feel that they fit in more.

Next up I will be painting my 3rd demon prince using the module Games Workshop has just released ... there is a lot of detail however, once done, it's going to look epic!

Toodle Pip!

1 comment:

  1. Any thoughts on the new rules, Spawn and Beasts are in smaller units, I think two is the biggest now. So yeah 15 is a lot of models you'll struggle to use...
