Monday 5 September 2011

Necromunda Campaign

Since completing my Escher Necromunda gang - The White Rose - there appears to be quite a lot of interest, in the game, at my local club. It didn't take long to decide that a Necromunda campaign was in order and that it should start as soon as possible; for me this was great news as it meant Lela and her gang would be able to taste blood sooner than expected. The only question that remains is who's blood shall they be tasting?

Above is my gang roster, which I'll update after every Tuesday nights gaming. I'll also be writing small passages about each game to try and build up a character for each of my gangers. So all that's left to say is that stay tuned and watch the victories roll in for The White Rose.

Tuesday 6th September

Total Kills: 4
Leaders: 1
Heavies: 0
Gangers: 1
Juves: 2

Ganger of the moment: Sabiha

The White Rose – Game one and two

Well the gang members have just made it back to the hideout and, from first glances, all seems well. The only person with any slight injury is Sabiha who’s hearing doesn’t seem to be as sharp as it once was – much to the amusement of the other gang members.

Everyone’s sat down now, drinking a well earned cup of ‘coco’. Lela seems to be full of thought; Even though she led her gang to two victories, she didn’t manage to score a single wound and she believes the others are queering her place as leader. Still, if others have been commenting, they’ve been doing it quietly … and for good reason too. With two attacks on her profile (three as she has two swords), weapon skill four and two parries she’s still the hardest combat member of the gang … maybe of the whole underhive!

Sabina hasn’t shut-up about her kill. Not only was it the first shot any member of The White Rose had fired, but it managed to kill – yes kill – an enemy gang’s leader. What she doesn’t mention is that, due to her being a little ‘green’, she’d fed the ammunition into her Heavy Stubber incorrectly. As a result, after killing the enemy gang leader, the machine jammed and bullets fired in all directions, making her seek cover. With the weapon jammed she was unable to fire for the rest of that battle. Other gang members have been taunting her, but with her being partially deafened (she claims due to being shot at by a enemies heavy weapon, however the other members of the gang reckon she fired her own weapon too close to her ears) she fails to hear their comments. Whatever the reason, it’s clear that hauling around that Heavy Stubber has made her tougher than before (she’s toughness four now!).

Even though other members of the gang won’t admit it, Kaleema seems to have done more than her fair share of the fighting. She’s getting rather good with her Autopistol and, once helped up by Lela, she managed to scramble up a ladder, find a good firing position and take out an enemy heavy with one shot. This was before being shot herself and falling off the building; she seems to have recovered from that misfortune and has become a little more ‘underhive wise’. She’s now weapon skill four and initiative four, which should stop her from falling off any more buildings.

Farha had a usual ‘day in the office’ causing a wound or two with her shotgun. She’s getting pretty good with it now and had increased her ballistic skill to four. She’s still getting herself into trouble; she went with Lela to trade and tried to pull a watchman called ‘Ernie Wallace’ … that was until Lela pulled Farha back and said that ‘we’re leaving’.

Lela didn’t leave the trade offices empty handed; she returned with a Telescopic Sight … which she gave to Jaleela. To accompany this Jaleela has also learnt how to ‘jump-back’ out of combat, making her a nasty, ‘one-shot kill’ woman.

Nafeesa, as usual, hasn’t said much about what went on. All the other gang members can work out, is that she shot a few enemies and has gained another wound. Once back at the camp Nafeesa spent a lot of time with Jaleela, and it seems that she knows how to ‘jump-back’ out of combat too.

Alisha spent most of the day protecting her little sister. At one point Aasera was surrounded by enemy gangers and it was only Alisha’s skill with her Lasgun that kept her younger sister from harm. For this, Alisha is now ballistic four.

Aasera seems to be going down a different path to her older sister. With an initiative of four and two attacks, Lela is looking upon Aasera as another combat companion. I’m not sure if Alisha is fond of that idea.

There’s no other way to say this, Tali has become ‘ard’. With a Toughness of four and two wounds, she is becoming another possible candidate for close combat duties. Now she needs to work on her weapon skill.

One thing I didn’t notice is that only nine gang members returned. I looked everywhere for Kate, but it seems she has been lost. Speaking to Kaleema she said that Kate was attacked in combat and gained a head wound, a broken arm and was finally captured. In spite of all this Kate managed to break free from Gaunt’s gang and was about to make it back to safety. Kaleema went on by saying the gang did everything they could but, as she was just about to hit cover, a shot could be herd and Kate stopped, dropped to her knees and lay dead. Due to this there seems to be some hatred towards Gaunt’s gang and I don’t think any member will forget this outcry. Alisha went to one of the gangs settlements and brought back a new juve who has an uncanny resemblance to Kate. When asked what her name was the youth just shook her head as if she didn’t know; the gang has decided to call her Kate … just because it’s easy to remember.

Well that’s it for this report; let’s see how the gang does next time out.

Toodle Pip!

13th September  2011

As I talk to you now Farha, Nafeesa, Alisha, Aasera and Kate are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the other gang members. It was Lela’s idea; after ambushing Gaunt’s gang last week, she knew the location of their hideout. She’d decided to take Sabiha, Kaleema, Jaleela and Tali on a daring raid that she said ‘would only take a couple of hours’.

Six hours had past … six hours! Finally, Farha told the rest of the gang to shut up, as she could hear something coming. Weapons were prepared and defensive positions were taken; out of the gloom it was Aasera who first spotted the gang returning … however she could only count four.

When all members were finally sat around the campfire – with a nice cup of Nescafe Gold Blend in hand - questions were asked. Firstly why was the gang so late? Well things hadn’t gone as planned; in the melee Lela had been captured, whereas The White Rose had captured two of the enemy in return. Under a truce, captives had been swapped and then the White Rose bolted for safety.

The second question was about Tali. It was quite a shock to all when Lela spoke of how she fell. No one quite believed it; Tali was toughness four with two wounds, but her lack of experience in combat had proved to be her downfall.

After a reflective silence, it was Kaleema who spoke first. She recited how Lela charged the enemy in single combat and took two gangers out – one being Gaunt himself. As Lela listened to the report she beamed ear to ear; no one would now question her authority. With a mighty three attacks on her profile (four in combat due to having two swords) she was starting to get a reputation of someone to fear.

Kaleema herself had done well; travelling through the hives vent system she, and Lela, both attacked together. Kaleema had taken an injury, but that seemed to only make her stronger as she now has two wounds.

Jaleela had been giving the raiding party covering fire; through this she had gained a ballistic skill, and strength of four. She had taken two down before she got shot in the head. Fortunately the wound hadn’t killed her, but it had made her stupid and subject to terrible rages. It was at this point that Lela gently prised Jaleela’s Lasgun, with a telescopic sight on top, out of her hand and gave it to Alisha. In return Alisha tossed her Lasgun to Lela, who replaced the weapon before Jaleela could work out what had happened.

Finally, but by no means least, we get to Sabiha. It was Sabiha, opening up with her Heavy Stubber, that was the signal to the others for the raid to begin. In this initial shooting Sabiha had taken out the enemy’s heavy flamer – and wounded Gaunt – without running out of ammo. It would appear that Sabiha had learnt how to control her ammo feed and, because of this valuable skill, Lela offered her a gift of either a weapon re-load, or a mono sight. The re-load was tempting, but in the end Sabiha wanted the sight and, before leaving the trading area, she visited the surgeon and got it fixed. Now Sabiha, with a Heavy Stubber is +1 to hit!

At the end of the day Kaleema visited one of the gangs settlements to claim another recruit. Once again she returned with a juve looking very similar to the one who had just fallen. So Tali two has been born; however due to a lack of funds, she only has a Stub Gun and a knife to protect her. Alisha reckons she wont be around for long and has warned Aasera to stay away from her ... she can only bring trouble.

Until next time, sleep well … or as well as you can in the Hive!

20th September 2011

Well another day of fighting is over. For once all gang members have made it back to the hideout, and all look in reasonable condition. It was Lela’s idea to seek out a Van Saar gang, rumoured to be the meanest gang within this part of the hive. It would appear that the Van Saar gang had the same idea, therefore The White Rose found themselves in a gang fight sooner than expected. The battle took place in a foul area swarming with flies (causing -1 to hit from shooting) but that didn’t stop The White Rose from winning another fight.

After this victory, The White Rose were planning to head back to their hideout. However, on their way back, they stumbled into the Cawdor gang they fought against two weeks ago; another gang fight took place and once again, Lela led her gang to a comfortable victory.

After shooting a Cawdor juve, Lela’s ballistic skill has increased to five. She has also learnt how to leap, which adds D6 inches to her move (even when she charges!).

Sabhia had another solid performance and, with the help of her mono-sight, she’s getting used to targeting, and wounding her enemies. Kaleema doesn’t like to admit it, but now that Sabhia is ballistic skill four she daren’t argue with her.

Speaking of Kaleema, she too increased her ballistic skill to four but became shell shocked (-1 Initiative) after an enemy ganger charged her by surprise. Looking at Kaleema she does seem a little twitchy; it’ll take her a while to be back to normal but I do think her injury will make her more aware in the future.

Farha launched her first engagement of the campaign today. It didn’t work too well as the recipient was on overwatch, however Farha’s sacrifice allowed Lela to make short work of the enemy. Due to this act of bravery, Lela passed on some combat knowledge to Farha and she now has two attacks. Once again Farha was taken to the trading post and, once again, made a pass at someone she shouldn’t have.

Poor old Jaleela suffered an ‘old battle wound’ which, along with her head wound, makes her the most injured member of the gang. At first the other members mocked her bad memory but, after she suffered another wound providing covering fire, they seem to be more protective of her than any other gang member … Nafessa is especially protective.

Due to Jaleela’s poor state of health, Nafessa has taken it upon herself to read about medicine. Whilst helping Jaleela with her bandages Lela came over and classed Nafessa as the gangs ‘medic’. She also gave her an ‘infra-red sight’ to attach to her autogun. Lela chucked as Nafessa seems to enjoy playing god; she can take life away as well as save it.

Alisha is the sniper of the gang. Due to this, Lela bought her a ‘hot-shot laser powerpack’, from the trading post, for her Lasgun to make it strength four. However, this does make it more prone to malfunctions, therefore Lela also got her a laspistol. Alisha too has gained some useful skills including catfall (half the distance if she falls off a building) and, bizarrely, she has increased her weapon skill to four. As she hasn’t engaged in a single combat, the other gang members believe she’s been learning combat skills from her little sister.

Aasera had an uneventful time, basically sticking to her bigger sister’s side. She had gained a skill which she wanted to show everyone. However, once back at the hideout, she’d forgotten what she had learnt (I forgot to roll for her advancement). A few similes rose from other gang members, however these were soon gone with a sharp look from Alisha.

Both ‘new’ Tali and kate had an uneventful day in the office. Kate gained additional toughness which makes her an even better ‘meat shield’. Still can’t be too down, all gang members survived, new skills have been learnt and there’s more money in the kitty. Lela knows there’s a lot to be happy about.

Tuesday 27th September 2011

‘Keep your voice down!’…

‘Can you still hear me?’…

‘What’s going on? … Were under attack that’s what’s going on!’…

It all started this morning; the gang were preparing themselves for another adventure into the Underhive. Everything was normal, Farha, Jaleela, Aasera and Tali were off collecting income from the other territories whilst the rest were preparing their weapons.

Out of nowhere a bust of heavy fire could be seen which sent Sabiha to the deck. After that all hell broke loose, with shots being fired this way and that. Through the chaos a shadow could be seen, moving along a bridge, towards the centre of the gang’s hideout. Apparently it was Lela  who saw it first and, using her leap ability, she engaged the foe, not knowing if it was human, alien or friend. The fighter was no match for her and she quickly held up the mask of a Cawdor ganger. A Hit and Run was occurring and now, with the initiative back in their court, the White Rose would make the Cawdor pay for their attack.

After disposing of one enemy gang member, Lela could see another burst of fire coming from the top of one of the rotting buildings. She signalled to Kaleema  and the two started to head in that direction. Lela was a little puzzled into why the heavy hadn’t shot her; she was in the open and, she thought, more of a threat. Looking back she saw Nafeesa down and knew it was a hit and run, with Nafessa as the target.

As mentioned above, both Sabhia and Nafessa had been taken out but still the Cawdor stayed around (in game terms, Mike had to take out Nafessa in hand-to-hand combat to win. As he had shot her he couldn’t win, yet he couldn’t bottle as he hadn’t taken enough casualties). Alisha shot one enemy with her Lasgun before finishing him off in combat. She followed up into another Cawdor, but he had a Power Axe and Chain sword which was too much for Alisha. At that point Alisha’s little sister, Aasera, came running back to the scene. Seeing her sister down, she went into a firing frenzy and brought down Alisha’s  attacker.

The enemy had now taken three causalities and as a result, ran away. Still a little confused on what had happened, Lela went to check on all of the gang members. Nafeesa, being the target of the attack, had lost two fingers on her right hand (reducing her weapon skill to 2). However she was still able to help Alisha back to full recovery. Sabiha felt a little humiliated; she’d been talking herself up, all last week, on how she was now an ‘essential’ member of the gang. However, when their hideout came under fire, she was hit before she could even fire a shot. Lela tried to cheer her up by suggesting she was the target, but if anything Sabiha was even angrier that she wasn’t able to see her enemy. Just as Lela was about to walk off she gave Sabhia a weapon re-load for her Heavy Stubber … a small, cruel smile returned.

After running back to the camp, Farha caused a wound using her shot gun; once again she had shown her skill with the weapon and had increased her Ballistic Skill to 5!

After recovering from her injury, Alisha re-told her stories of combat to her, quite relieved, little sister. Alisha has now got 2 attacks!

For her bravery, quick return and good shooting under harsh pressure, Lela thought it was time Aasera became a ganger. She tried to hide it but she was so proud, as so was her older sister. For her ‘quick thinking’ she’d gained experience in both initiative (now 5) and attacks (now 3).

For Tali’s part, she provided covering fire for Lela, and Kaleema, as they went in hunt of the Cawdor heavy. She got quite accurate and gained an increase in Ballistic Skill (Now 3). She said that she would have hit her target, if she had a better gun. The others, quietly, disagree.

Due to Kate’s quick movements, along the ramparts, she seems to be the fastest of all the ganger members over a very short distance. The rest of the gang state that she has some sort of sprinting skill, which Lela is eying very jealously.

Right that’s it for today. The gang is still out there, on patrol. I doubt the Cawdor gang will be back in a hurry … but just encase. Nafeesa is the only one around the campfire. She’s quieter than usual … I think she’s trying to work out why she was targeted.

The White Rose – 3rdOctober 2011

Another fine week has ended within the underhive. As most gangs lick their wounds only we, The White Rose, go forth to scavenge. Due to the previous weeks ‘hit and run’ attempt The White Rose left their hideout via another path, still cautious of another ambush. This led into a new part of the hive where they met their old foe, Gaunt’s Ghosts.

It would appear that, whereas The White Rose had spent their time learning new stills, the Ghosts had grown fat and lax. Becoming a familiar sound, Sabiha let rip with her Heavy Stubber, signalling the gang’s arrival. Quickly the enemy heavy was put out of action but Sabiha didn’t stop there; calmly swinging her Heavy Stubber to the right she ‘downed’ two enemy fighters, on top of a building, allowing Lela and Aasera to claim easy kills. Next she swung her heavy weapon left; the barrel was already hot, but with control busts she laid covering fire on the enemy’s right flank. Due to this complete control of her Heavy Stubber, Sabiha gained the Bulging Biceps skill making her truly a power within the hive. Looking at her muscles, the gang believes that she should put down her Stubber and join them in combat … but she’s having none of it.

After disposing of her foe, at the top of a building, Lela charged down the ladders and, using her leap skill, she fell upon an enemy Juve. Embarrassingly the Juve moved in a way unbeknown to Lela; the next thing she realised was that the fight was over and the rest of her gang was looking at her … with small grins on their faces. She decided that she must have been hit by a power maul and vowed never to make the same mistake. People say that injuries make you stronger, and it must be true as Lela has gained an additional wound.

Kaleema took out Gaunt himself with Aasera helping out. Alisha had protested to Lela about taking her little sister through the vents. However, Lela wouldn’t hear about how she was still ‘too young’. Before the battle Alisha gave Kaleema a silent look, telling her to look after her sister or else. Alisha was glad to see Aasera back at camp, and Aasera showed her bigger sister her new shooting skills (she’s now ballistic skill 3). Alisha hopes that, with her shooting skills, she’ll be left at the back of the battlefield from now on.

Farha spent the whole battle running towards it, only arriving in time to fire one shot. It was an unbelievable shot and, because of this, the rest of the gang believe her ballistic skill is better than she is letting on (she’s now ballistic skill 6!).

Jaleela didn’t take part in the battle due to her old battle wound; it was then down to Nafeesa to provide fire fight support. She wouldn’t admit it, but everyone knew she was still ‘shook-up’ about the ‘hit and run’ last week. She therefore played little part in the battle, but learnt how to evade being shot.

Tali and Kate have been spending a lot of time together recently and, because of this, Tali also knows how to sprint. They’re both quick, but Lela is reluctant to sent them through the vents as their skill with a blade is still not good enough. Maybe in a few weeks, Lela thought to herself.

As the gang sit round the campfire, singing songs, there is an air of unbeatably and confidence. To make things better, Kaleema captured Larkin – an enemy ganger – and was able to sell him back. The coffers are full, the gang is healthy and winning is becoming the norm … surely there isn’t a gang within this part of the hive that hasn’t herd of The White Rose … and surely there isn’t a gang who isn’t scared of them … Lela thought to herself.

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