Thursday 25 August 2011

The White Rose

In just little under a month my latest Necromunda gang is now complete; The White Rose is an Esher gang living in the depths of the Underhive.


Now it’s not unusual for rival gangs to distrust each other, however other Delaque gangs are particularly uneasy about the White Rose. Their blood-line originated from Lord Langley, who fell for a mysterious, yet beautiful, woman called Isha. She bewitched him and said that she brought power, and influence, from Spires in the east. For Langley, the combination of beauty and influence was too attractive; to him this would surely mean that he would be chosen as the next inline to rule the Underhive. However, he was no fool; even though he was falling in love with Isha he dispatched, quickly and quietly, three Delaque agents who soon discovered that Isha’s promises of influence had been lies. However, instead of reporting back to Lord Langley, the Delaque agents sold their information to another, higher bidder; Lord Barrington. Both men were next in line to rule the Underhive and this information was just what Barrington needed; it would allow him to secure both the Underhive and to rid him of Langley. Facing ruin Langley, and his pregnant wife, fled into the depths of the Spire.

For years the legend of Lord Langley’s demise flowed until it became myth; rival gangs would sometimes report, seeing a darkened female warrior flash between the bulkheads of the under wastes. Many reports flowed up and down the Spire, each one described a similar looking woman … but no report was ever the same. It wasn’t until many years later that Lord Barrington was awoken to the news that an imperial armoury had been broken into. Once arrived Barrington found the armoury cordoned off like a crime scene, and Adeptus Arbites had created a perimeter around the site. Barrington stormed into the empty building to find a single plant pot, with a white rose, in the middle of the floor. A note was part hanging out of the soil; Barrington quickly removed the note and read its message:

By order of The White Rose all Delaque gangs, and Lord Barrington, are to be exterminated. This is…

Barrington’s reading was cut short due to a ticking noise coming from plant pot; he tried to run but it was too late. If only the Delaque could be as easy…

Building the Gang

In the search of doing things a little different – and hopefully improving my painting style – I decided to paint the gang with Asian members. Previously, I’ve only ever done white skin (apart from with orks … obviously) and I felt that it was time to broaden my ‘skin painting’ range.

With the skin chosen I then moved onto other colours. Being Asian, I decided to keep their hair black; I also decided to paint most of their clothing white, to keep inline with the name ‘The White Rose’. The only thing left to decide was a supporting colour for the white, and I went with purple.

The Gang

Okay so below is my new gang called ‘The White Rose’:

Gang Leader: Lela,
: 60+D6,
Weapons and armour:
Two Swords, a Laspistol and a knife,
Interesting Fact:
Likes Squash,
Total Cost:

Lela is a combat fanatic; with
such a ferocious reputation, Lela became the only candidate for the gang’s leadership, as no one else wanted to fight her for it. Often see accompanied with Farha and Kaleema for backup; they say it’s to make sure Lela doesn’t charge head long into a wall of bullets.

Gang Heavy: Sabiha,
: 60+D6,
pons and armour:
Heavy Stubber, a laspistol and a knife,
esting Fact:
Lost her left eye in an argument,
Total Cost:

Sabiha is the gangs
heavy and, because of this, she doesn’t have many friends. Whereas the rest of the gang likes to get stuck in, Sabiha prefers to kill her enemies from as far away as possible. It was because of this ‘difference of opinion’ that Sabiha lost her eye to Kaleema. If it wasn’t for Jaleela, preventing Kaleema from getting closer to Sabhia, she may have even killed her. Due to this act of bravery – and the fact that Sabiha resents the rest of the gang for not helping her – Jaleela and Sabiha usually team up and, even though Sabhia won’t say it, she would protect her friend with her life.

Ganger: Kaleema,
: 20+D6,
Weapons and armour:
Autopistol, a sword, Frag grenades and a knife,
Interesting Fact:
Is a magician in her spare time,
Total Cost:

Kaleema always runs with Lela because she admires her fighting sprit. Secretly, if ever Lela dies, she feels as though she should lead The White Rose … but has never told a living sole. Also, whilst charging forward, she

keeps on eye on Sabiha … to make sure that she hasn’t got a clean shot.

Ganger: Farha,
: 20+D6,
Weapons and armour:
Shotgun (hot shot shells), a sword and a knife,
Interesting Fact:
Buys and sells fabric as a profession,
Total Cost:

more ‘down to earth’ than most of the other gang members, Farha prefers ‘short range’ fire fights to close combats. She likes her drink and is a bit of a flirt … which has resulted in her gang colleagues rescuing her from some very embarrassing situations.

Ganger: Jaleela,
: 20+D6,
Weapons and armour:
Lasgun, a laspistol and a knife,
Interesting Fact:
Still lives at home,
Total Cost:

The sniper of the gang, and Sabiha’s best friend, Jaleela prefers the ‘one-shot one kill’ approach compared to Sabiha’s ‘the more shots fired, he more chance of hitting’ motto. A home girl, Jaleela doesn’t usually get mad unless someone insults her family … and then even the other gang members daren’t stand in her way.

Ganger: Nafeesa,
: 20+D6,
Weapons and armour:
Autogun, a Stub Gun and a knife,
Interesting Fact:
Enjoys reading,
Total Cost:

Not much is known about Nafeesa. Born from a family on the ‘outer edges’ of the gang hierarchy, Nafeesa hardy ever speaks. Most gang members believe that she has a dark secret; she’s a good shot, which they believe has something to do with it, but try as they might they can’t get any information about her past.

Ganger: Alisha,
: 20+D6,
Weapons and armour:
Lasgun, a sword and a knife,
Interesting Fact:
Will do anything to protect her little sister,
Total Cost:

In front of the others, Alisha seems to despise her little sister Aasera. However the two always operate together; others believe it’s because, being related, they can read each others thoughts and moves however it’s because Alisha will do anything to protect her little sister.

Juve: Aasera,
: 0,
Weapons and armour:
Autopistol, a maul and a knife,
Interesting Fact:
Has appeared on ‘That Spires got talent’,
Total Cost:

Aasera is not
independent at all; always looking up to her bigger sister, she acts on Alisha’s instructions. The other juves are fed up with Aasera going on about how great her sister is.

Juve: Tali,
: 0,
Weapons and armour:
Stub gun, a maul and a knife,
Interesting Fact:
Set the record for the women’s 100m sprint in the ‘Spires Olympics’,
Total Cost:

Tali has never respected authority and has often stated that she shall soon lead her own gang. The other gang members put up with her ridiculous comments as she seems to be skilled in medicine; which means that she’s a very useful person to have around.

Juve: Kate,
: 0,
Weapons and armour:
Stub gun, a sword and a knife,
Interesting Fact:
As everyone knows, Kate is short for ‘bob’,
Total Cost:

Kate’s a half-cast. Her mum became pregnant with a white male after falling in love with him. Kate feels as though she doesn’t belong with the group and tries ‘doublely-hard’ to earn her place. Due to this, Kate is respected and liked more than any other juve, though she doesn’t believe it. Lela had her doubts when Kate joined the gang, though Kate has been useful when trying to ambush ‘white member’ gangs. It also looks great on the Spires ‘equality and diversity’ policies.

Total credits spent: 920,
Total left:
Total Experience:

Total Gang members: 10

Additional, future, members:

Ganger: Mira,
: 20+D6,
Weapons and armour:
Bolt gun, Plasma pistol, two swords and a knife,
Interesting Fact:
An excellent cook,
Total Cost:

Many gangers felt that Mira should have been gang leader; due to having rich parents, Mira is equipped like a leader and has substantial contacts. However, her family forbid her from contesting ‘The White Roses’ leadership as they believe she needs ‘ganger level’ experience before moving onto the next step. Mira is therefore seeing her time with ‘The White Rose’ as a sort of prison sentence; keep her head down, do her

time and soon she will be out to bigger and better things.

So what’s next?

Well I’ve painted the gang, given each member character, so I suppose it’s time to put them to the test by allowing them to battle within the harsh environment of the Underhive. Any of you lot ‘woman’ enough to take them on … are you?

Toodle Pip!

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