Saturday 24 December 2011

4,000pt Black Templar Space Marine army

As the Black Templar's originated from the Imperial Fists, I've decided to use my army as an 'early' Black Templar's - using the EPIC UK Black Templar list - as described below:

Devastator Detachment 250pts
Supreme Commander 100pts
2 Dreadnoughts - Lascannon and Missile Launcher 100pts
Total 450pts

Predator Detachment 225pts
4x Predator annihilators 50pts
2x Hunters 75pts
Total 400pts

Predator Detachment 225pts
4x Predator annihilators 50pts
2x Hunters 75pts
Total 400pts

Devastator Detachment 250pts

2 Dreadnoughts - Lascannon and Missile Launcher 100pts
Total 350pts

Terminator Detachment 350pts
Chaplain 50pts
Total 400pts

Terminator Detachment 350pts

Devastator Detachment 250pts

Thunderhawk 200pts
Thunderhawk 200pts
Thunderhawk 200pts
Thunderhawk 200pts
Thunderhawk 200pts

Strike Cruiser 200pts

Landspeeder Detachment 200pts

Grand Total   4000pts
Activations 14 


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