Over the last couple of weeks I've been painting, mainly EPIC Imperial Fist Space Marines. As I missed the opportunity to do a 'painting blog' the last time around; I thought I would rectify the situation with the below, set-by-step guide, on how I painted my Imperial Fist infantry:
What you will need
- Plastic glue
- A small pair of pliers
- Hobby files
- PVA glue
- Builders sand
- Games Workshop snow flock
- Games Workshop green flock
- Games Workshop Skull White spray undercoat
- Games Workshop - Skull White paint
- Games Workshop - Chaos Black paint
- Games Workshop - Blood Red paint
- Games Workshop - Golden Yellow paint
- Games Workshop - Elf Flesh paint
- Coat 'D' Arms - Brown Wash (or, if you still have the old 'GW' Brown Wash that will be fine)
Cut the marines off their sprue and file down any mould lines. Glue the models onto a stand and leave to dry overnight. In the morning, PVA glue the base and dip into a small box of builders sand; once again leave to dry overnight.
Now the models are ready to be sprayed white; make sure that only a thin layer of paint (so that no detail is lost) is sprayed onto the models and leave to dry for twenty minutes. After this is complete it's time to start painting the stand of infantry.
Painting Guide
Step 1: As the base is going to be snow, first of all give the base a good solid coat of Skull White paint. Make sure that any parts of sand, missed by the initial white spray, are covered. You will have to leave the stand for around thirty minutes to dry.
Step 3: Cover the marines in the Brown Wash, again trying not to get too much brown on the base. You will have to leave the stand for around an hour to dry.
Step 4: Once dry, highlight the risen areas of armour (most of the model) using Golden Yellow. Leave the creases brown to create a shadow effect. This is the most time consuming part of the painting process; take your time as this bit will really make all the difference in how well your figures will look on the battlefield.
Step 5: Next paint the 'rims' of the marines shoulder pads Blood Red. Please note that the missile launcher, and the sergeant model, have no 'rims' around their shoulder pads and therefore shouldn't have any Blood Red applied.
After this use Chaos Black to paint the 'rim' of the base.
Step 7: Believe it or not but the marines are actually complete. Now, tidy up the marines base by applying Skull White over any areas that have brown, black or yellow paint on. Leave to dry for thirty minutes.

Step 9: Finally, using PVA glue, apply Games Workshop's Snow Flock to the rest of the base. If you like you can cover the green flock as well as this will add to the 'snowy feel' and the green should still show through. Leave to dry for twenty-four hours.
And that is it. Any flock lying on the models themselves - which has not been PVA glued on by mistake - will disappear, of its own accord, after a few games.
Well done; that's one stand down ... only another sixty to go!
Toodle Pip!
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