Thursday 28 July 2011

Run out of Greeks

I suppose it had to happen at some point. With me currently out of work, I'm finding a lot of time to put paint to models; therefore I'm currently working through my huuuuuge pile of unpainted metal, plastic and resin figures until there are no more. First up the Greeks.

As you can see there are still quite a few hole to fill, but a lot of work has been completed:

- First up, I've painted a whole new hoplite formation (the ones with green plumes on the far left of the photo) of twenty-four models.

- I've started my final hoplite formation (the ones with yellow plumes on the far right) but need another twelve figures to finish the unit.

- I've added another model to the 'red' hoplite unit pushing my gene
ral out 'on his tod' awaiting a unit of twenty-three Sacred Band.

- I've added another five skirmishers to both the archers and javelins (making two units of eight).

I've painted a statue of my general to act as an objective if required (well, if my army aren't going to 'hold' a statue of their general, what are they going to hold?)

So all-in-all a lot of work; however, as mentioned above, there is still a lot to do:

-need twelve more hoplites for my 'yellow plume' hoplite unit.

- need twenty-three hoplites for my Sacred Band unit.
- need sixteen more skirmish archers to allow for four units of eight.
- need sixteen more skirmish javelins to allow for four units of eight.
- need twelve different skirmish archers to act as a unit of Cretan archers.

- need twelve Greek heavy cavalry to act as two units of six (or one big unit).
- need twelve Greek light cavalry to act as two units of six.

So still a lot to do then! However, before I feel too depressed - considering that, in reality, I've only completed 60% of the army - lets have a closer look at the main ne
w addition ... my third unit of twenty-four hoplites.

Pretty nice even if I do 'say so' myself; with this third formation 'battle ready' I currently have 1318pts painted:

General 157pts
Light Armour 2pts
Total 159pts

24 hoplites 240pts
Light armour 48pts
Leader, musician 10pts
Total 298pts

24 hoplites 240pts
Light armour 48pts
Leader, musician 10pts
Total 298pts

24 hoplites 240pts
Light armour 48pts
Leader, musician 10pts
Total 298pts

11 hoplites 110pts
Light armour 22pts
Leader 5pts
Total 137pts

8 Skirmish archers 32pts
8 Skirmish archers 32pts

8 Skirmish Javelins 32pts
8 Skirmish Javelins 32pts

Grand Total 1318pts

I'm a bit gutted that I can't continue with this army; it's not because I can't afford to purchase any more models, it's because I can't get hold of them at the moment. All my models are from 'First Corps' and, as they aren't going to Britcon, it means that the next show them, and I, will both be attending will be Derby in early October (I could mail order more figures, but I'm a little picky on which models I use; therefore I like to have a look before purchasing). Rest assured, once October arrives I'll have my hands full of 'Greeks finest' and, hopefully, on the final push to get this army - which I started back in 2007 - finally finished.

Next on the painting table ... 'The white Rose'.

Toodle Pip!


  1. That is a serious lot of greeks! Looking really nice 'an all!
