Sunday 12 June 2011

It's been a while


I'm not dead,
I haven't immigrated,
and I haven't found a woman (bit of a shame really),

I have, in fact, been travelling around the world for nine months. Yes indeedly I set off - with my rather large backpack - in September 2010 and arrived home - with even more luggage - on the 30th May 2011. I've had a ball and, in all honesty, I would prefer to be gallivanting around the world than stuck in rainy old Derby (it's June and it's raining ... what's all that about?).

Anyway, after the novelty of my return wore off (which took four minutes and seventeen seconds) family and friends departed and I was, once again, alone. I find myself in a bizarre situation which I haven't been in for quite a long time. I like to call it 'time rich, money poor'; with no job (though I am looking) I find myself with a lack of funds however, with no job, I find myself with acres of time. Not in the habit of waisting resources, of any kind, I surrounded myself with all the models I've yet to put paint on.

Just like most war gamers the pile was, firstly quite large, and secondly quite interesting. Looking at models that, I remember purchasing for some 'bad ass' uber killing army of death, but having no idea how they fitted in with the rest of my model collection puzzled me immensely. Anyway, after hours of sorting, I finally put my models into a logical 'to be painted' order and set to.

First of all I decided to finish off a unit of twenty-four Greek hoplites, which I'd started way back in 2008. Not only was this a test of memory (how do I get that bronze colour again?) but also, after practically a year away, it was a test to see if I still enjoyed the hobby. Well, as actions speak louder than words, below is the result:

And now what the army currently looks like:

I think that I enjoy painting more now than ever; actual gaming, on the other hand, remains to be seen. Next up I have another unit of twenty-four hoplites to paint, and then I think I have another fifteen or so Greek models lying around. After this it will either be a small plea to the treasury for more funds (to finish my Greek army once and for all), or I'll start painting my Esher Necromunda gang and then my EPIC Tyranids.

I'm back!

P.S. Next post will be a tutorial on how to paint hopilites. As much for me as it is for anyone who reads this blog.


  1. Good to see you back in the saddle, and those Greeks are rather nice!

    "I haven't found a woman", as long as the police haven't either, you should be OK ;-)

  2. No they didn't

    They also didn't find the kilo of cannabis I disguised as Chinese tea that I'm supposed to keep quite about.

