In true Scrivs Style I've painted my Trafalgar fleet in 7 hours!

Okay so there not great however there are afew reasons for this:
1) At some point way way in the future I want 1:1200 scale fleets; therefore this fleet will become redundant (going to pay someone else to paint it though :) )
2) In April I need to start painting my EPIC Orks so time was very limited (though I am off tomorrow and Tuesday however I have other things I need to do before April).
So with speed in mind I decided not to bother with Rigging; the models in the Trafalgar book don't have it at this scale (1:24000) and it's too time consuming. I've also decided not to paint any flags on my ships either; the reason behind that is at this scale a 2nd rare French looks like a 2nd rate British ship ... therefore it means my fleet can be Bitish, French, Swedish ... anything I like.
So how did I do it?

Step 1: Firstly I buit the ships thoughout last week.

Step 2: 9:00am - I undercoated the ships GW - Skull White

Step 3: 9:25am - I sprayed the ships with Army Painted - Skeleton Bone

Step 4: 9:50am - I then washed the entire ship with a watered down (25 water /75 ink) GW - Delvan Mud. I then used GW Delvan Mud (without watering it down) on the sides of the ship.

Step 5: 10:25am - I painted the sails GW - Skull White / Bleached Bone (50/50)I also drybrushed the hull lightly with GW - Bleached Bone

Step 6: 12:15pm - I painted the wood on the sails bit GW - Chaos Black leaving the back top sail clear (you will see why next)

Step 7: 14:00pm - I then painted the back top sail in a different colour for each ship. Doesn't look brillant, however it means I can identify each ship really easily (therefore making sure I take the right damage on the right ship). The ship is now completed, onto the base.

Step 8: 14:15pm- I painted the bases GW - Ultramarine Blue

Step 9: 14:45pm - I washed the bases with GW - Asurmen Blue

Step 10: 15:30pm - Leaving them to dry, I then took the ships out to be sprayed varnished
The fleet in line

Ships firing long range

Ships firing into the enemy
What do you think?
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