The Dark Elves were my first team in Blood Bowl. With a normal lineman having a good armour save and AG 4 (meaning they can dodge out of tactle zones on a 2+, pick the ball up and throw it also on a 2+) you really don't need any of the special Dark Elf players ... and a good job to! With a normal elf costing around 110,000 gold you don't have a great deal to spend on anything else.
In my Blood Bowl gaming careera I only entered one event .... and got completley hammered into the ground. However I did pick up best painted; have a look at the slide show below (you need to click on the thumbnail for the sidshow to start).

In the team I have:
1x Coach
2x Cheerleaders
1x Blitzer
11x Linemen
Small but perfectly formed
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